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September 23, 2024

The Mew truck. Is Mew Really Under the Truck in Pokémon? Uncovering the Legend.

Mew Under The Truck

Few urban legends in the gaming world have sparked as much intrigue and excitement as the myth of Mew being hidden behind a truck in Pokémon Red and Blue. For over two decades, fans have passed this rumor around, with countless trainers exploring every nook and cranny of the Kanto region, hoping to uncover the secret of the elusive Mew. But is there any truth to this long-standing piece of Pokémon folklore, or is it simply another playground myth that took on a life of its own? Let’s dive into the history of this famous rumor and see if there’s any basis behind it.

Mew under the truck,Mew Truck

The Origins of the Legend; Mew Truck

The origins of the Mew behind the truck legend trace back to the late 1990s when Pokémon Red and Blue were taking the world by storm. Players began to hear whispers of a mysterious truck located near the S.S. Anne in Vermilion City. Normally, players sail away after receiving their Cut HM, and the ship departs, seemingly locking that area of the game forever. However, curious players found that if they avoided the S.S. Anne, either through glitches or cheats, they could return later with the ability to use Surf.

Using Surf near the dock would allow players to access a hidden truck on the other side of the water, a feature that seemed oddly out of place in the otherwise meticulously crafted Pokémon world. Naturally, this mysterious truck became the subject of much speculation. How could it be there without purpose? What secret could it be hiding?

And that’s where the rumors started: if you used Strength to move the truck, Mew would appear. It seemed like the perfect Easter egg for players to discover—after all, Mew was the 151st Pokémon, and it was nearly impossible to obtain without special events or glitches. The legend spread like wildfire, with players across the world trying to move that truck in hopes of discovering the elusive Mythical Pokémon.

Debunking the Myth: The Reality Behind the Truck

Sadly, despite the countless attempts to uncover the truth, the idea of Mew being behind the truck has been thoroughly debunked. In the original Pokémon Red and Blue versions, the truck does exist, but it serves no functional purpose. It was simply placed there by the developers, most likely as a background element with no deeper meaning. Players found out that using the Strength move on the truck does nothing—it can’t be moved, and there’s certainly no Mew hiding behind it.

For many, this was a huge disappointment, but that didn’t stop the rumor from persisting. It became one of those classic gaming myths that endured, passed down by word of mouth and shared in early gaming forums, even as players discovered it was nothing more than a legend.

So, Where Can You Actually Find Mew?

While Mew isn’t hiding behind the truck in the original games, there are ways to obtain this elusive Pokémon. Officially, Mew was only distributed through special Nintendo events back in the 90s, meaning most players never had the chance to catch it legitimately. However, players found other ways to acquire Mew, most famously through the Mew glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue.

The Mew glitch allows players to encounter and catch Mew without attending an official event. By carefully exploiting certain in-game bugs, players can manipulate the game’s programming to trigger an encounter with Mew on Route 8. While this method requires some precise steps, it was a revelation for those who desperately wanted to add the Mythical Pokémon to their collection.

In modern games, Mew has become much easier to obtain through various events, giveaways, and the release of virtual console versions of Red and Blue. Still, the legend of Mew behind the truck has endured, forever cementing its place in Pokémon history.

The Legacy of the Truck and Mew

Even though the myth has been thoroughly debunked, the story of Mew behind the truck lives on as one of gaming’s most iconic urban legends. It represents a time before widespread internet access, where playground rumors and magazine articles were the main sources of information, and secrets in video games felt like true mysteries waiting to be uncovered. For many veteran Pokémon fans, the truck rumor is a nostalgic piece of childhood—a reminder of the excitement and wonder that came with exploring the world of Pokémon for the first time.

And, interestingly, Game Freak themselves have acknowledged the myth in later Pokémon games. In the Generation III remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the truck reappears, allowing new generations of players to wonder if maybe, just maybe, this time Mew would be hiding there.

Conclusion: No Mew, But Plenty of Fun

While you won’t find Mew behind the truck in the original Pokémon Red and Blue, the legend surrounding it is still a fun and fascinating piece of gaming history. It’s a reminder of the days when rumors spread by word of mouth and the thrill of exploration kept players engaged long after they’d finished the main game. Even without a Mythical Pokémon behind it, the truck remains an iconic part of the Pokémon series, and its place in fan culture is well deserved.

So, while the truth behind the truck may not be as exciting as we once hoped, the legend of Mew lives on in our hearts—after all, isn’t it the mystery that makes it so fun?


What is the Mew Truck in Pokémon games?
The Mew Truck is a famous myth from the original Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow versions. The rumor claimed that if players used the "Surf" ability near the S.S. Anne in Vermilion City and navigated around the dock, they would find a truck. Some believed that using certain techniques near the truck would unlock the legendary Pokémon Mew. However, this rumor is false. The truck is an easter egg, but there is no way to obtain Mew from it in the original games.

Is there any truth to the rumor about Mew being under the truck?
No, the rumor about Mew hiding under the truck is just a fan-created myth. While the truck itself does exist in the game, it has no connection to Mew. The only legitimate way to obtain Mew in the original games was through special events organized by Nintendo. In later generations, Mew could be obtained through various in-game methods or event distributions.

Can the Mew Truck be interacted with in newer Pokémon games?
The Mew Truck is referenced in various forms throughout later Pokémon games, but it remains largely an Easter egg or a nostalgic callback to the original myth. For example, in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (remakes of Red and Blue), the truck can still be found, but again, it serves no functional purpose related to Mew.

Want more Pokemon? Take a look at our guide to Shiny Pokemon, and our top Pokemon Games to play 2024

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